Every organization today faces increasing pressure to gain the edge over the competition. It’s tougher than ever out there. That’s why many have been exploring modernization as they try to react and adapt to changing market conditions. Sound familiar?
Previously, one of the main drivers for modernization was related to costs. But now, “speed” to adopt new technologies, “time to market” for business innovation, “reliability” to ensure resilience, and overall business continuity are the top outcomes organizations expect to be achieved. These drivers ultimately lead to the all-important “customer experience“ but without missing the “employee experience”.
While these attributes may not be particularly new or ‘edgy’, they are valid. In truth, being a data driven, intelligent organization isn’t exactly a cutting-edge concept either. But the challenge now is how to capitalize on your digital capabilities in order to sustain and capture these new possibilities – so that your business can continuously modernize and progressively instill a culture of innovation.
Indeed, modernizing at speed alongside existing resources, has become the key to unlocking access to the next level of business opportunities.
With a passion for creating value from technology – and certification as a Microsoft Expert Managed Service Provider (MSP) for four consecutive years – Sogeti is here to help, wherever you are on your modernization journey.
Modernizing at speed, alongside existing resources, has become the key to unlocking access to the next level of business opportunities.
We recognize that keeping pace with the evolving technology landscape is a perpetual challenge as new trends continue to emerge. Our team of tech specialists and Microsoft experts can therefore help you stay ahead of change, freeing you up to focus on driving your business forward.
Take Generative AI, for instance, which is helping the reimagining of businesses through new possibilities and innovative solutions. It’s disruptive and exciting. Organizations can now customize Microsoft Copilot within their own applications while modernizing – fueled by their own data. Making them smart in this way will enable organizations to rethink their whole application strategy.
Generative AI makes high-value modernization feasible in areas that were previously off limits; it’s changing things for businesses everywhere. But it’s not always straightforward. Rapidly evolving Generative AI use cases demand a level of speed, flexibility, and connectedness that traditional IT platforms just can’t handle – which is why modernization is essential.
No matter the approach, we can work closely with Microsoft to support you not only for your journey today, but also on your pathway to tomorrow. We understand the industry better than anyone and we’re experts at modernizing app estates.
Research has shown that a lack of vision is a major obstacle for organizations’ digital efforts. To address this, we want to open your eyes to the current opportunity. Are you satisfied with your current technology stack and its suitability for the future? What is your organization’s vision or roadmap for digital modernization?
From “What” tech do we need; to “How” do we securely scale with cloud; to “Why” should we transform; to “Why now” do we need to make the most of this opportunity, within this document, we’ll explore the answers together. Do reach out if you’d like to discuss any of the areas we touch upon. Thank you.

Pierre-Olivier Patin VP, Global CTO Applications & Cloud Technologies, Sogeti
For further information please contact: pierre-olivier.patin@capgemini.com